
Do you have a plan?

Developing a plan is essential to any marketing effort. It will allow you to determine and coordinate all the communication activities you need to reach your strategic objectives without losing sight of your budget, resources and priorities. Whether you require a business, marketing or communication plan, a successful strategy must be founded on an analysis of key data.

Business Plan

A good business plan is the foundation of a commercial undertaking. It defines financial objectives, establishes a timeframe and determines the required resources.

Marketing Plan

A marketing plan is based on internal and external factors: the nature of the product or service, available resources, market characteristics and target audience. Realistic planning is essential for tangible results.

Communication Plan

A communication plan combines various tools and tactics (printed material, e-strategy, media placement, etc.) to help your business reach – and appeal to – its target audience. A good plan leads to enhanced visibility and, ultimately, greater sales.

Do you have the required expertise?

As an entrepreneur or business leader, you know your business better than anyone. But are you as savvy when it comes to shifts in the market and your target audience, or the media, sponsors and the countless communication, marketing and outreach tools now available?

Your time is valuable. We believe that you should be able to focus on the core operations of your business and leave marketing and communications to tried-and-true professionals. Praline Communication has the expertise and resources you need to get out from under this considerable workload. In practical terms, Praline Communication will ensure that your image is always consistent and effective, evaluate sponsorship requests, interact with media and develop tools to help you reach your objectives.

For an investment of just a few hours a month, Praline Communication will shoulder the full responsibilities of a marketing director, without your business having to incur the expenses that come with hiring an in-house professional.